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Why and How Do I Do Pelvic Floor Exercises?!

Sarah Carroll • Aug 27, 2023

We all know we should exercise our pelvic floor, but what does that ACTUALLY mean?

What are pelvic floor exercises?

The pelvic floor muscles, while hidden from view, play a critical role in our overall well-being. In this blog, I shed light on the significance of pelvic floor exercises and why nurturing these muscles is essential for a healthier, more empowered life.

What is the Pelvic Floor?

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that form a hammock-like structure at the base of the pelvis. These muscles cradle vital organs such as the bladder, uterus (or prostate in men), and rectum. They function as a support system, helping maintain continence, supporting the spine, and contributing to sexual well-being.

Why should we care about the Pelvic Floor?

1. Maintaining Continence: Pelvic floor muscles are crucial for controlling urinary and fecal continence. Weakness in these muscles can lead to urinary incontinence or even pelvic organ prolapse, a condition where organs shift from their natural position.

2. Pregnancy and Postpartum Wellness: During pregnancy, the pelvic floor undergoes strain due to the weight of the baby and hormonal changes. Pelvic floor exercises can help prepare for childbirth and aid in postpartum recovery.

3. Sexual Well-being: Strong pelvic floor muscles enhance sexual sensation and orgasm. They also play a role in erectile function for men.

4. Core Support: The pelvic floor is an integral part of the core muscles. Weakness in these muscles can lead to back pain, as they help stabilize the spine and pelvis.

5. Aging Gracefully: As we age, pelvic floor muscles naturally weaken. Regular exercises can help prevent or manage issues that may arise due to this weakening.

What are pelvic floor exercises?

So, what do I need to do for a healthy Pelvic Floor?

1. Identify the Muscles: Start by identifying the pelvic floor muscles. Imagine stopping the flow of urine or preventing the passing of gas. These are the muscles you're targeting. This can take practice, especially if you've never done it before!

2. The Contractions: Contract these muscles for 5 seconds, then relax for 5 seconds. Gradually increase the duration to 10 seconds each. Aim for 10-15 repetitions. Avoid tensing your bum muscles (glutes).

3. Maintain Breathing: Remember to breathe normally while doing these exercises. Avoid holding your breath. You may start connecting the breath with the action, e.g. inhale as you tense, exhale as you release - repeat 5 times, then focus on keeping the breathing steady and regular as you squeeze and relax without using the breath.

4. Consistency is Key: Like any exercise, consistency is vital. Perform these exercises daily for optimal results. Try to link them to another activity, sat at traffic lights? do a couple. Waiting for the kettle to boil or beushing your teeth, do a couple.

It doesn't just have to be Kegels (the exercises described above):

While Kegel exercises are the most well-known form of pelvic floor exercises, there are other techniques that also deserve attention:

1. Bridge Pose: This yoga pose engages the pelvic floor as you lift your hips off the ground.

2. Squats: Squats engage the pelvic floor muscles naturally and effectively.

3. Deep Breathing: Learning diaphragmatic breathing can help indirectly strengthen the pelvic floor.

I know 'discreet pads' and phrases like "these things happen as we get older" are often thrown at us, but this doesn't have to be the case! You CAN and SHOULD do something about it!  Nurturing the strength and resilience of your pelvic floor muscles is an investment in your long-term health and well-being. Just as a solid foundation is crucial for a building's stability, a strong pelvic floor forms the foundation for your physical vitality. By incorporating pelvic floor exercises into your routine, you're safeguarding against potential issues and embracing the power of proactive self-care. Remember, these muscles may be hidden, but their impact on your life is anything but.

Are you pregnant or had a baby and looking for yoga or hypnobirthing classes?

Check out my timetable of pregnancy and postnatal yoga classes in Sutton Coldfield and join us!

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