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Pregnancy Due Dates

Sarah Carroll • Oct 31, 2023

How are they calculated? What are they based on? Are they accurate? Are they nonsense?

Lets talk due dates, those seemingly precise moments when expectant parents are told their baby will arrive. But, as we'll discover, due dates are often nothing more than a myth and a source of unnecessary stress. Let's dive into why they're, well, nonsense!


The Origins of The 'Due Date':

In the early 19th century, the Naegele's Rule, named after the German obstetrician, became the calculation for due dates. The rule simply adds 280 days (40 weeks) to the first day of the last menstrual period.

Great! We now know exactly when our baby is coming...or perhaps not.

This calculation is based on the assumption that every menstrual cycle is exactly 28 days and you ovulate on day 14, but what if your cycle is 25 days and you ovulate on day 10, or it's 32 days and you ovulate on day 18? This 'rule' very quickly loses credibility.

It also assumes pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks, not a day more or less. But here's the kicker: very few pregnancies actually adhere to this exact timeline. Did you know only 5% of babies are born on their 'due date'?!

Babies Have Their Own Schedules

Babies are notorious for being independent little beings right from the get-go. They don't consult calendars or smartphones. They arrive when they're good and ready and really why would we want it any other way?

Sometimes, when the due date comes and goes without a baby in sight, healthcare providers start talking about induction. The pressure to induce labor based on an arbitrary date can lead to unnecessary medical interventions, potentially impacting both the birthing experience and the baby's well-being.

For many expectant parents, that looming due date can become a source of tremendous stress and anxiety. "Will the baby be late?" "Am I doing something wrong?" "Is the baby in danger?" These questions can plague the mind and make pregnancy more nerve-wracking than it needs to be, especially if you've got those well-meaning friends/family texting every day to ask "Is baby here yet?", as though you might have forgotten to let them know if they had arrived...!

Believe it or not, many babies are perfectly healthy and just fine if they arrive a little later than their 'due date'. In fact, allowing labour to start naturally, rather than forcing it on a specific date, can often lead to smoother, less stressful births.

So, try to let go of the 'due date' idea being a definite. It is not a best before date, and we can see it definitely isn't a science! Relax, book a lunch with friends, put your phone on silent or go for a walk. The more you can relax and enjoy those final days, the higher your oxytocin levels will be ready to kickstart labour when you and baby are ready.

Learn more about the science behind labour and birth in my hypnobirthing courses.

Hypnobirthing Babymoon Couples Retreat

Are you pregnant or had a baby and looking for yoga or hypnobirthing classes?

Check out my timetable of pregnancy and postnatal yoga classes in Sutton Coldfield and join us!

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